We first took T-dog to the beach, where he romped with other 4-legs and spent quality time with Betty while she worked on yet another knitting project (as shown here):
Notice the dog is, once again, blessing Betty with his Ass (I & II).
We then had a nice lunch and drug the hound around doing various shopping duties and also collected a wedding band we found on the beach during a previous visit to Carmel. It stayed with the Carmel PD (in the tender care of Carmel PSO Hidalgo), but no one claimed it. The pictures are reproduced below so they might be linked to a Craigslist lost&found posting. If you can tell us the inscription inside the ring, we'll work with you to return it.

It's clearly a wedding band for a large man's hand. If it's yours, send email to:
Whilst shopping, I was startled to see this fine item for sale at a local high-end furnishings store:
We have dubbed this piece, "the lamp of many testicles."
Good luck with that, Spongebob.
That is a Many Splendored Thing fo'sho'
T-dog looks like he couldn't possibly imagine a more perfect spot to sit. Do dogs dream?
So many testicles! I bet Tomokee would like that lamp next to his chair.
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