A friend and colleague (Adam) had to put his Labradoodle of just under 12 years, Bennie, down over the weekend. We just found out today. We had been given a very fine flagon of
Plymouth Gin by Original Adam (to distinguish the two,
very distinct, Adams) and toasted the passing of this friendly beast with a mighty fine brace of martinis (erm, one each, not dual 'tinis each).
Why do we celebrate at a time of loss? Our friend,
Yeshwant, used to say that celebrations were for the living since, as he put it, "the body in the box is not having a good time." It was to the survivors to pull up their socks, honour the memory of those departed and to get on with our short time on this earth.
So, to Adam and his family we send our condolences and to the spirit of great dogs everywhere, including
Benzlo, Bennie and
Chobe, we salute you and take this time to fondly reflect.