So, Tomokee has a little "problem...." a poop-eating problem. This usually abates as beasties leave puppyhood. We think the problem is decreasing, but it's hard to address when we find the hound munching on a class-A growler. To try to make this behaviour less attractive, we've tried the "Deter" product and adding pineapple to the dog's food. He seems to like both.
Now, one of the things folks mentioned is that pineapple makes the dog's poop "taste worse." Who does these taste tests? Is this some sort of reality show (Fear Factor?) fodder? Maybe this explains the faces David Caruso makes on CSI Miami ("That, Frank, [pregnant pause whilst bronze sunglasses are installed, using both hands as oculists recommend] had pineapple in it [head tilted, grimace]!").
At least the frequency of this behaviour is decreasing. Whether any of this has anything to do with these treatments is unclear. We just hope it's something that passes as T-dog enters adulthood.
Some how, it's hard to fathom making something "shittier," (like, how do you objectively differentiate between just a "bad" fart and an eye-watering "weapons-grade" emission?) but that's the general idea.
"Frank," Horatio choked, removing his sunglasses (two hands, eyes watering visibly as the elevator doors slide closed) "was that you?"
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